Text: Joonas Majuri
Translation: Sirkka-Liisa Leinonen
When I was pondering whether or not to start as a blogger, I approached the topic from a number of perspectives. What things could I give and what could I lose? I guess they would tell me if my posts are not good enough, or if my style of writing is not appropriate for the format. And I could get caught red-handed by an acquaintance, having posted an extremely profound text online. That actually happened already. ”I wouldn’t have guessed that a guy like you would be writing a blog”, said one of my readers.
Luckily, writing is not a punishable offence, especially since I promised to write nicely. The paper I am blogging for promotes all things good and valuable, so that should be okay. Still, it would have been easier to say ”no thank you” and refuse. I could have said, ”Thank you for your kind offer, but unfortunately I am too busy, and I wouldn’t be a good blogger anyway. Better ask someone else.”
Overall, wouldn’t it be simplest just to do one’s daily routines, go to work in the morning and bring home the groceries in the evening? After that, apart from the obligatory duties, one could read the daily paper or listen to an audio book and prepare for the next workday. Why bother taking up new challenges? Does it even make sense in this life situation to take on anything extra? Or what do you think?
Do you know what? If we do not take a step into a new direction now, we may never do it. Life is too short to be wasted in procrastination. What could I do if I were not afraid? I might sell my house and move somewhere new. I might start an enterprise and design a website for it. I might take a risk and invest my money in the stock market. I might study for a new occupation and try different jobs. I might book flights and go on a round-the-world trip. Or should I just leave all this bustle and move to live in the wilderness?
The greatest struggle with choices takes place in one’s mind. It is difficult to let go of all things safe and familiar. Far too often action is prevented by fear. Although I know at the rational level what I should do, I often fail to take the first step. The situation may be similar to that experienced by the rich young man who was invited to enter God’s kingdom. The only condition was that he should sell his property. But "when the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth" (Matt. 19:22).
I do not encourage anybody to be reckless or foolhardy. It is only too often that we read about unfortunate actions motivated by overwhelming emotion or a desire to show off.
How, then, do I know when it is a good time to act, or which direction to take? Even if a storm is raging in the darkness outside, I can inwardly feel calm and peaceful. At such a lucid moment I may see clearly what step I should take next. And that vision may be sufficient to trigger action. But there are also times when I can hardly see my own hand in the fog and even less my goal. Yet I can start by taking one small step at a time. It is good to take the first step, or else I will not know what else there may be waiting for me.
The first step could be an email, a phone call, or a surprise visit. It could be a form filled or an action plan outlined. No matter what that step is, the important thing is to take it.
So far, I have only positive experiences about being a blogger. I have had many rewarding discussions with my readers. When I decided to accept the challenge a year ago, I thought – now or never.
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