Eric Jurmu Rockford seurakunnasta Minnesotasta palveli Tukholmassa järjestetyissä Ruotsin Suviseuroissa. Eric Jurmu from Rockford congregation in Minnesota served at the Swedish Summer Services in Stockholm.
Pauliina Jensen
Eric Jurmu Rockford seurakunnasta Minnesotasta palveli Tukholmassa järjestetyissä Ruotsin Suviseuroissa. Eric Jurmu from Rockford congregation in Minnesota served at the Swedish Summer Services in Stockholm.
Pauliina Jensen
It is Saturday evening and communion service is about to begin in the beautiful German Church in Stockholm’s Old Town. Eric Jurmu, who serves as minister in the Rockford congregation in Minnesota, is due to assist during the Holy Communion. He is sitting in the front part of the church, waiting for the service to begin.
Our Opisto student completed his year Jämsä Opisto last spring. He was our first child to attend Opisto. With this minimal parental experience, I am happy to recommend Opisto to every young person.
This fall I started my fifth year in university. My studies have reached a point where there is only an uncompleted Master’s thesis between me and graduation.
I pulled up the last leeks and parsnips when the soil was already hard from subzero temperatures. I like the excitement of growing new and different vegetable species and not knowing when exactly to harvest them, or even knowing what I will find in my vegetable patch. I do not mind long and mild falls like the one we have had. I can take my time wondering if I should pull up the vegetables today or tomorrow.
Vesa Kumpula’s recent post about money made me ponder about what money means to me personally. I agree with Vesa that money does not bring happiness, but it does make life easier. If money is tight, we have to choose what to spend it on, and we may not be able to consider others aspects of consumption, such as how ethical, environmentally friendly or durable our choices are.
Our four-year-old grandson started preschool. Both his parents and his grandparent worried about his adjustment. Apparently, however, everything went well. He found new friends. The only disappointment was that the handsome minibus which took him to school for the first few days was later replaced by an ordinary car. A cause of joy was the pair of trainers bought by mom and grandma from a second-hand store. They turned out to be the second fastest in his class.
Face-to-face interaction enables many sensory experiences that are never present in virtual communication. The 2022 Summer Services stared my wonderful July. It seems my cup has been overflowing for many days, and I am really grateful for that! The wonderful people that I met at the Summer Services made my extrovert heart blossom.
If I were asked to choose one thing that I could do forever, it would be an easy choice. I could sing forever in the big tent at Summer Services. I am sure many people agree with me. It is something one can only experience by being present in the tent.
Efforts to save time have a long history. I personally remember some ways to save time in the 1960s.
One summer day, driving home from work, I listened to the summertime service radio. The speaker was talking about Moses’ birth. As I was listening, the story of Moses came alive in my mind and acquired connotations that I had not previously attached to it.
A friend of mine called today and invited me and my wife to attend a camp in December. I was delighted! The organizers had decided that one theme for the camp would be “God’s guidance in life, at times of both trials and joy”. They had chosen to approach this theme through people’s life stories.
We were visiting my parents when my son called. He said a guy from the power company had come to switch off electricity. I told him to calm down and said I would call the power company and settle the matter.
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