Text: Liisa Lilvanen-Pelkonen
Translation: Sirkka-Liisa Leinonen
If I were asked to choose one thing that I could do forever, it would be an easy choice. I could sing forever in the big tent at Summer Services. I am sure many people agree with me. It is something one can only experience by being present in the tent.
Last summer, the tent was always full in the evening. That has often been the case in previous Summer Services, too. But for some reason, it seemed exceptionally precious, occasionally quite touching, to be able to sing at the 2022 services in Loppi. When I came back home and went to work, I still sang in the car. Tears of joy streamed down my face, and I seemed to hear the buzz and noise of the tent at the background.
I find it is easy to sing in a big crowd. I feel light. I do not even hear my own voice, and it does not matter if I miss out a line or use the older words of the song at some point. It is hard to read the words in the semidarkness, they just come from memory.
Many songs and hymns of praise were sung at the 2022 Summer Services. One could hear the gratitude in the singing, the sounds of praise we are told about in the Bible.
While singing, I also thought about the service guests who had not yet found the living faith, but had come to the Summer Services to see and listen. Maybe the Heavenly Father spoke to them through the powerful singing.
Singing at Summer Services comes from the heart. Although I sing for hours during the service weekend, my throat does not get sore and I do not feel the slightest strain. I do not get tired of singing. At times I feel quite unreal. The songs take my thoughts to heaven or to Jesus’ cross. I wonder if there can be anything lovelier than this anywhere, even in heaven.
But I know that we have been promised something even better, something so good that we cannot even imagine it. And we can pray with the words of the hymn that was sung with such power and grandeur at the services: "Jesus, to that joy, take us to that joy, to that rejoicing throng. Through your death and resurrection we soon will know their song – amen, we sing amen, so shall it be, amen! Oh, Lords of hosts, amen!" (SHZ 587.)
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