I was happy to be invited to write a blog for Päivämies in 2020.
I grew up at Jämsä opisto, then moved house a few times, and finally settled at Lohiranta, Posio, which is where my husband comes from. I have already lived here for more than half of my life.
My home is in the country, in true rural peace. We live right next to the local museum of Posio, which is a good and inspiring place for a person like me interested in traditional crafts.
We drive 36 kilometers to the closest store and other services. We therefore need to be creative or draw on our emergency supplies if we run out of milk or some other staple food. If my mother-in-law or one of the neighbors cannot help, we just have to do without what we need or change our plan. We get out mail in the mailbox that is only 100 meters away, and in the summer we have the ice cream van run right by our house!
Kids travel 40 km to school and the same distance back daily. There are only a couple of other children in the village, but there are about sixty adults. My husband works in logging and timber building. He loves to spend time in the forest.
I hope I can work at home as much as possible even in the future after my 22 years as a stay-at-home mother. I have had the world’s shortest and best commute to work. I am trying to find ways to continue that even in the future.
I like to ponder about things even quite profoundly, I read both for fun and knowledge, and music is an important part of my life.
In our small believers’ community there are many tasks for each person – I have experience of kitchen crew, teaching Sunday school and being the contact person for opisto work. Opistos are really close to my heart, as I have personal experience of two of them! My parents worked at Jämsä opisto all their lives, and I studied at Ranua opisto for a winter nearly 30 years ago.
Text: Salla Pätsi
Translation: Sirkka-Liisa Leinonen
You will find the original blog post here.
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