Text: Kirsti Wallenius-Riihimäki
Translation: Sirkka-Liisa Leinonen
A year ago, I was invited to start blogging for Päivämies. Optimistically, I expected that, given a full year, I would find 12 fairly good ideas for blog posts. Well, I didn’t. Deadlines came and went, and I often did not even touch the pen in the meantime.
Last year, people undergoing a crisis were repeatedly instructed to take it easy. I took that instruction seriously and forgot even the smallest promises that I had made. My working life used to be structured by the schedules of the academic year. Even vacations had predefined slots in my calendar. And my vacation times often had more deadlines than my teaching schedule. Now it seems that my calendar has been getting emptier by the week.
I sorely miss many of my routine activities: book circle, senior club, gym exercise, Bible class, knitting club and, more than anything else, live services. All of these used to require some preparation, at least to the extent of dressing up a bit and arriving on time. Now we can listen to online services whenever it suits us and dressed in whatever we happen to be wearing at the moment. Many people appreciate listening to services on their own sofa. They enjoy the freedom of making a cup of coffee while listening or knitting a sock – or even resting in a relaxed position and waking up to the closing hymn. But if you attend real services, you always have other people around you, listening to the same sermon. I miss the familiar pew and the people sitting next to me. I could always say to them: ”That is how I want to believe, too. Can you preach me my doubts forgiven.”
Instead of established routines, we have a huge number of new challenges. At the beginning of the covid year, I considered my computer skills quite adequate: I was able to use the word processor, scan pictures, and communicate with both my phone and my computer. Now I am trying not to mix up my mobile, my laptop, my portable (or are they the same?), my desktop, earphones, speakers, and the smart watch on my wrist, which records my step count.
I seem to be shrinking all the time. Tablets are no longer in a bottle, accounts are not in the bank, and the tube is not only for toothpaste. In the old times airplanes flew in the clouds. Now my pictures and writings are floating there. I asked someone about podcasts. The person gave me a sideways glance and said in a hushed voice, “It’s a bit too difficult to explain”.
With the help to two phones and a few patient people, I have occasionally had some remote instruction. But it has also happened that the other person has ended up sighing, “Let’s just make an ordinary call”.
Darkness is always deepest just before sunrise. Each winter solstice is followed by new light. I agreed to continue as a blogger for another year. I hope I will be able to come up with 11 more ideas.
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