I cannot say exactly when I became a plant enthusiast. I am interested in house plants, cut flowers, and even edible plants. The amazing growth of plants is fascinating and makes me dream of new plant individuals.
When my older sister moved away from home to study, she left behind a few house plants. I inherited them along with her old room and did my best to learn to take care of them. My sister’s old potted ivy took a long time to die, though I often forgot – first accidentally and later on purpose – to water it. I still have one of those inherited plants, and it is doing fine. I have re-planted it in a bigger pot many times. The newest white pot is really nice.
Although I love my house plants, they can be difficult at times. To go out on a vacation, for instance, I need to have someone come in and water the plants. When I go to my childhood home for a Christmas break or another longer vacation, I often haul the whole jungle along with me. Sadly, however, it is usually easier on my way back, with fewer boxes to carry. It may be, after all, that plants do not enjoy interesting trips quite as much as humans to.
My plants usually survive pretty well, but if one of them chooses to give up life, it is not directly my fault. At least that is what I tell myself in order not to be discouraged. Often wintertime darkness is simply too much for plants that love light. Luckily, there is always a fortunate side to the death of a plant: I can go and buy a new one! There are actually many good reasons to buy a new plant, especially if you come across a lovely flower pot and, all of a sudden, find a suitable inhabitant for it. Some of my friends may have heard me say, ”I just happened to buy a new plant.”
It is absolutely enchanting to follow growth. It is a lovely surprise to see a plant grow new leaves or a cutting in a glass of water produce tiny roots. My latest test with cuttings was a jade plant. My miserable old jade plant collapsed a few months ago. I took some leaves and placed them on soil to start growing. It certainly took some time and even a bit longer, but all that time I patiently watered the leaves. Now they are showing signs of new growth and tiny roots. I can never stop wondering this: how does the leaf know what I want it to do? Faced by this miracle of growth, I always feel very small. It is a concrete reminder of how well the Heavenly Father has planned everything.
Last winter we got glazing for the balcony of our shared rental apartment. This will be my first summer in town, and I have been dreaming of all the things I can grow on our balcony. I started by bringing out a few potatoes to sprout and sowing seeds of chives in a pot. The chives sprouted in just a few days. I have also sown seeds of lettuce, carrot and basil. I hope I can later tell you about the abundant crop that I harvested on my north-facing balcony.
I am planning to have a set of shelves on the balcony, so that my plants can enjoy some light above the solid railing. I have not yet come across suitable shelves, but I won’t give up.
Don’t forget to admire the growth of plants and the unbelievable light of the summer. And remember to thank Him that gives all growth!
Text: Helmi Yrjänä
Translation: Sirkka-Liisa Leinonen
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