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Important discussions

6.11.2016 6.05

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8.3. 22:29

“I wan­ted to watch the car­toons but I didn’t want to get my he­art dir­ty” con­fes­ses my five ye­ar old qui­te ho­nest­ly. His ol­der brot­her cor­rects him that it’s his cons­cien­ce, not re­al­ly his he­art, that gets dir­ty. I love these con­ver­sa­ti­ons which most of­ten hap­pen in the car. We are on our way home from the den­tist where the staff al­wa­ys feel the need to en­ter­tain you in the chair with not one but two te­le­vi­si­ons. I feel doubt­ful. It isn't that the con­tent would be so harm­ful but it's hard to exp­lain which chan­nels might be OK to watch when we don't have te­le­vi­si­on in our own home. It has been the same when he plays with the neigh­bor's grand­son, but they just shut it off out of res­pect so I don't need to wor­ry what the adults are watc­hing while he's in the room. With all my doubts in rai­sing my child­ren so that they would re­main be­lie­ving, it al­wa­ys warms my he­art to hear these small examp­les of con­fes­sing their faith.

I seem to have the har­dest time con­nec­ting with my ol­dest son. He is per­fect­ly con­tent to read a book or play le­gos any chan­ce he gets and does not seem to need my at­ten­ti­on very of­ten. Be­fo­re he le­ar­ned to talk I loo­ked for­ward to the day I could vi­sit my own child­ren. I have oc­ca­si­o­nal­ly tried wri­ting no­tes to him to re­mind him I still think about him eve­ry day. There was on­ce a time we thought he might be our on­ly child. Our next son is four ye­ars yo­un­ger so in some ways it feels like he is alo­ne. Alt­hough he spends plen­ty of time with his brot­her, the age dif­fe­ren­ce can so­me­ti­mes bring an ele­ment of un­fair­ness and can make dai­ly dis­cip­li­ne dif­fi­cult. In some ways he is al­so clo­ser to me as he spent four ye­ars as the on­ly child in a home of adults and when we do dis­cuss mat­ters of faith I’m al­wa­ys ama­zed at the un­ders­tan­ding God has gi­ven him. His faith, even at a yo­ung age, is al­re­a­dy gui­ding me at ti­mes.

I am trying to hang on tight as my two el­dest con­ti­nue to outg­row my simp­le un­ders­tan­dings. Per a re­cent pre­sen­ta­ti­on at mot­her’s camp, we are in the “sweet spot” of the many pha­ses of rai­sing a fa­mi­ly. All our child­ren are at home and in­no­cent­ly be­lie­ving. Still, the wor­ries come of­ten. How will we make it through the tee­na­ge ye­ars?

I'm a lit­t­le em­bar­ras­sed to ad­mit this use­less wor­ry star­ted when my ol­dest son was still a baby. I say use­less be­cau­se it has pro­fi­ted me not­hing. I am no more re­a­dy to­day when the tee­na­ge ye­ars are just around the cor­ner than I was ten ye­ars ago. As Je­sus says in the book of Mat­t­hew, “Take the­re­fo­re no thought for the mor­row: for the mor­row shall take thought for the things of it­self. Suf­fi­cient un­to the day is the evil the­re­of.” (6:34). Just as He has in the past, God will give enough strength to get through even that stage of life. The cong­re­ga­ti­on of God is full of help and sup­port, even when I don’t know to ask for it.

In the me­an­ti­me I will en­joy this “sweet spot” to the ful­lest. I en­joy ha­ving child­ren old enough to dis­cuss mat­ters of faith while still being ab­le to cud­d­le the in­no­cent ba­bies. My duty is to te­ach my child­ren all I know about faith and God will give the inc­re­a­se. I can take com­fort in the words of song #321: “So, come what may, here I can stay. My he­art to­day has eve­ryt­hing I need.” We love to oc­ca­si­o­nal­ly end the day with Songs and Hymns of Zion and al­wa­ys with the pre­ac­hing of the gos­pel. It is a good way to go to sleep con­tent and hap­py.

I was baby number five in a family of twelve. We had a happy, believing home in Washington state. After graduation I moved to Arizona to marry my best friend and we have made Phoenix our home for over ten years now. I stay at home to raise our five children. We try to travel to see family in Minnesota and Washington as often as we can. When we can't, we enjoy filling our small home with friends both young and old.

Tästä lähtien Jeesus alkoi puhua opetuslapsilleen, että hänen oli mentävä Jerusalemiin ja kärsittävä paljon kansan vanhimpien, ylipappien ja lainopettajien käsissä. Matt. 16:21

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