The car bumps and jerks all over the road. Dust is kicking up behind as we navigate the sharp corners with steep drop offs, hoping a recreational vehicle doesn't come flying around the next bend. We are heading to our camp at the top of the mountain. Our own camp! Although the ride to the top is a bit rough, the camp is an oasis. Coming from the city in the hot desert we really can appreciate the clean air and quiet surroundings.
This is our second weekend in a row attending camp. The first was Parents Camp and now we get to bring our five kids up for Family Camp. As we get together and sing the first evening, I marvel how relaxed and happy I am. The weekend before had been so wonderful and full of encouragement for my travels that I thought I was “fixed” for awhile. As the week went on I was reminded how weak and faulty I really am. I wonder as we sing why we can't just live up here, away from our daily trials?
It is a holiday weekend, popular for camping. This Family Camp has been a blessing for us as we do not have the gear to go camping on our own. The kids are kept busy playing with new and old friends in between discussions and meals. We have a whole afternoon to enjoy God's creations. I have a nice long visit with a new friend as we take a group of kids hiking up to the fire tower. The man in the fire tower is always happy to have company and share his passion for the job with the children. From his office we can see a fire down the hill a ways and watch the helicopter dropping water. Another camp had to evacuate but the fire was out quickly and no one was hurt. On the way down the hill I think about how difficult it would be to lose our camp we worked so hard for in this way. I must remember this camp is a gift from God and He will protect it as he sees fit.
The boys end the day with a sauna as I tuck the babies in. Once all are asleep we settle in by the crackling fire with coffee in hand and visit with the other parents. The group at camp was small but the lessons we learn from the new and old friends are so important. Although I may face the same struggles at home, these days spent in the mountain will always stick with me and remind me of my ultimate goal in heaven. I am not alone and I can continue to travel day by day.
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