Text: Pauli Määttä
Translation: SIrkka-Liisa Leinonen
When I was in primary school, I got a pair of jodhpur-type pants with side bags at the thigh. I had to wear them for school. It happened to be a very cold day, and we did not need to go out for breaks. I sat at my desk all day, hiding the baggy parts of the trouser legs under my hands, so no-one would see them. I was very fashion-conscious at that age. Pants with baggy legs were not in fashion then.
The next time I put on baggy pants was 50 years later. We have an old farm cottage for a vacation home. I thought it would be fun and nostalgic to walk around the meadow dressed like an old-time farmer in baggy pants, a flannel shirt, a serge jacket and leather boots with a hat on my head and a rake in my hand.
I have often wondered about fashion. Why do people want to behave and dress in the same way? Is that due to a lack of self-esteem or simply to individuals’ ability and willingness to adopt new things?
At least there is an economic aspect to fashion. In the 1770s, after the invention and patenting of the spinning jenny, it became possible to produce large amounts of garments very rapidly. Nowadays this applies to most consumer goods: as soon as something is considered fashionable, it is produced in huge quantities for consumers all over the world. The whole production chain enjoys the benefit. When people are no longer interested in the product, it is replaced by a new fad.
Some trendy things are related to material development. Cars, for instance, are sold with more and more accessories. Many of them seem useless at first, but the users soon become addicted to them. I would not buy a car without air conditioning any more.
There was a time when strong colors were fashionable in interior decoration. Then there was a change, and designers and specialist magazines began to promote a different trend. I remember we painted all surfaces of our home white. That was in fashion for a fairly long time, but I do not know if white or light-colored surfaces are fashionable any more. Last year I painted the walls of one room in our home and proudly presented the outcome on our family WhatsApp. The comment was, ”You can’t be serious!”
There are more things than baggy pants to fashionable dress and outward appearance. When I was young, someone decided it was time save in the cost of haircuts. Young men let their hair grow to considerable lengths. It was a global phenomenon. I think pretty few guys had the self-assurance to keep their hair short.
I also remember the bell-bottom pants. It was probably impossible to find trousers without legs as wide as sails. Then there was a time when it was perfectly okay to wear patched garments. What about worn or torn garments? It would be good for sustainable development to patch worn-out garments, and even when the patches fall off, the clothes would still be usable. I would be really trendy in this respect. But I certainly cannot understand that some people tear brand new garments. But overall, the strangest fashion seemed to prevail a hundred years ago. Based on photographs, fashionable clothes were so tight that people could hardly breathe.
A difficult situation may rise if a group only accepts new members based on trendy dress or behavior. People who cannot afford or do not want to act in a certain way may be left outside a group they would like to join.
Fashions come and go. At one time everybody had a nail mat. We had one too. I used it a couple of times. We don’t have it any more. Maybe it has been recycled. A couple of years ago just before the pandemic there was a hula hoop in every home. It was supposed to be a key to overall mental and physical wellbeing. We were a bit late to buy this novelty and had to wait weeks to get one. Unfortunately, our hoop turned out to be faulty. Though we tried and tried many times, it refused to spin. It is still lying unused in the corner of the bedroom.
The world is also full of mental and intellectual trends and fads. People who are seeking wellbeing, a purpose for their life, or just entertainment will find more than enough advice and instruction. The media are full of ideas and values that seem alien to a Christian. And so is literature. It is easy for like-minded people to gather around a certain theme on social media.
Faith is not a matter of fashion or novelty. This has been known for a long time. The Bible tells us that believers in the old times also had to battle against false beliefs and heresies of many kinds.
We need the word of the Bible as well as sermons and texts based on the Bible to stay on the right road. It is comforting sometimes to listen to old sermons. The spoken language may be a bit different, but the content is the same as today. Old writings also continue to be topical, although the world around us continually changes. God’s word will stay forever. It is enough for us to rely on it at all times.
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