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Vieraskieliset / In-english

Blog: Music – a source of energy and joy

Vieraskieliset / In-english
18.9.2020 7.15

Juttua muokattu:

16.9. 15:31

When I wake up in the mor­ning, I like to be­gin my day by put­ting on some mu­sic. That helps me get star­ted with my dai­ly cho­res.

When the big­ger child­ren have had their bre­ak­fast and gone to play, I of­ten stay at the tab­le with the baby and lis­ten to a few songs. It is re­al­ly a mi­rac­le how good those songs make me feel.

Our lo­ve­ly three-ye­ar-old sings most of the time while pla­ying. He al­so of­ten sug­gests that we should do a re­qu­est con­cert. That me­ans we sit down on the sofa to­get­her, take turns sug­ges­ting songs, and then sing them. Our se­cond ol­dest, who is 18 months old, al­so li­kes to sing, though he on­ly re­mem­bers a few words from here and there.

It has been good to see that the child­ren love to hear songs in the eve­ning, too, and that the songs seem to calm them down. They al­so like to have their eve­ning pra­yer sung. When I sing an eve­ning song with them af­ter a long day, it ma­kes me feel good, too. Child­ren make us pau­se at what is most im­por­tant in life.

While dri­ving by my­self, I lis­ten to mu­sic as loud as I can. And I na­tu­ral­ly sing along. I tho­rough­ly en­joy those mo­ments! For a while I for­get eve­ryt­hing el­se.

When I write these blog posts or po­ems or just note down my thoughts, I al­wa­ys have mu­sic pla­ying at the backg­round. Pe­a­ce­ful pi­a­no mu­sic ins­pi­res me and helps my thoughts flow free­ly.

There is pro­bab­ly sui­tab­le mu­sic for all moods you can think of.

I en­jo­yed the nu­me­rous on­li­ne ”co­ro­na con­certs” that we had du­ring the worst part of the pan­de­mic last spring. It seems that this ex­cep­ti­o­nal si­tu­a­ti­on has made us all think about ot­her pe­op­le and want to cheer them up. Why don’t we con­ti­nue to do that even af­ter the pan­de­mic is over?

Text: Miia Ki­vi­o­ja

Trans­la­ti­on: Sirk­ka-Lii­sa Lei­no­nen

You will find the ori­gi­nal blog post here.


Toivokaa ja iloitkaa, ahdingossa olkaa kestäviä, rukoilkaa hellittämättä.

Room. 12:12

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