Text: Hanna-Maria Jurmu
Translation: Sirkka-Liisa Leinonen
Thank you for having come, summer. You, summer, are sheer light, light, light. You give growth even at times of drought. You give us all that we need to survive until you come back again. Thank you, summer, for having come.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the summer. All things are your gifts.
Summer, you appear different to different people. To some you seem just right and perfect. To some others you bring anxiety and burdens. Why, oh, why can the most beautiful thing be the ugliest? How can the best be the worst?
Dear God, you give us all things. Give strength to those who are tired.
Summer, verdant and earthy, cold with northerly winds. You opened your bosom to release a flurry of hails that destroyed the flowers on my sister’s apple trees. They got four apples. Summer, you also opened your bosom to release incredible light and humidity, which helped my mother’s apple tree produce more apples than ever before.
You are the Lord of elements and weather.
Summer, you gave me a new hobby and a new friend. I have never known that the river, the river banks, the distant fields shimmering in shades of green, the forests and the clouds in the sky are different every day. I have not known one does not get tired swimming, only a bit cold occasionally. I have not known how lovely it is to swim with my eyes closed, or how I can bring my eyes down to the water level, so that the water seems like part of me or like an endless, sparkling blue carpet.
How wonderful it is to come up from the water for a while, to sit on the rocks and eat wild currants and raspberries, to learn that white currants ripen strangely slowly. How wonderful it is to already wait for a new summer. Though you have not gone away yet, my summer!
I have learnt there is a thing called swimmer’s float. It is a good mate. I can trust it. It floats behind me quietly and only tries to get ahead of me when the waves are big. It listens to our endless chatter but is quiet and never shares with anybody the things it has heard.
When we are done swimming, we sit on the deck, drinking black currant juice and eating carrots. Wasn’t it wonderful again, we say a million times. See you tomorrow at five, we say when we leave.
Summer, were you full of expectations again? Do you have to listen to disappointed comments about work that did not get done? Why doesn’t anything change? Why don’t I change?
Dear God, help us be content with what we achieve.
Where will you go, summer, when the fall comes? Will you go to a place where all the past things in God’s world are lined up in a good order? Will you go to a place where my thoughts can reach you and where I can find you and talk to you? Is that the place where memories are made golden and beautiful, more beautiful than reality?
Did you go away already, my summer?
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