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Blog: Important people

Vieraskieliset / In-english25.10.2022 7.00

Many of us have va­lu­ab­le hu­man re­la­ti­ons­hips out­si­de our im­me­di­a­te fa­mi­ly. I have such re­la­ti­ons­hips with se­ve­ral pe­op­le. When I was lit­t­le, my grand­fat­her was one of those im­por­tant per­sons, and I spent a lot of time with him. Eve­ry­bo­dy in our fa­mi­ly spoke res­pect­ful­ly and for­mal­ly to him, and I found it stran­ge when some vi­si­tors ad­d­res­sed him with his first name.

Blog: We rely on eternal God

Vieraskieliset / In-english18.10.2022 7.00

I was not par­ti­cu­lar­ly in­te­res­ted in ge­ne­ral his­to­ry in high school. I pas­sed my his­to­ry fi­nals ska­ting on thin ice. I was not one of the luc­ky stu­dents ab­le to me­mo­ri­ze the main li­nes of his­to­ry while stu­dying for their fi­nal exa­mi­na­ti­on.

Harri Vähäjylkkä

Harri Vähäjylkkä

“This gathering was very important for me” – Pastors’ gathering at Hankasalmi Camp, October 3–4, 2022

Vieraskieliset / In-english14.10.2022 10.00

So com­men­ted pa­rish pas­tor Sam­po Luuk­ko­nen from Loh­ja du­ring one of the fi­nal speec­hes kept on Tu­es­day. Mee­ting ot­her [be­lie­ving] pas­tors [or­dai­ned in the Evan­ge­li­cal Lut­he­ran Church of Fin­land] and peer sup­port is es­pe­ci­al­ly im­por­tant when one at ti­mes feels lo­ne­li­ness in their work. The pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, de­vo­ti­ons, wors­hip ser­vi­ce and many dis­cus­si­ons of ti­me­ly to­pics cau­sed many to say as they left for home: “It was worth it to come.”

Blog: ”Continue to bless him in the future and also bless his dearest one”

Vieraskieliset / In-english11.10.2022 7.00

We ce­leb­ra­ted our god­son’s wed­ding at La­pin­lah­ti in Au­gust. The yo­ung coup­le had wan­ted to inc­lu­de a se­lec­ti­on of be­au­ti­ful in­ter­ces­so­ry pra­yers in their wed­ding ri­tes. Short pra­yers were read by the of­fi­ci­a­ting mi­nis­ter, the mot­her or fat­her of the bride or the bri­deg­room, one of the sib­lings, one of the god­pa­rents and one friend.

Blog: I want to hang onto this psalm

Vieraskieliset / In-english4.10.2022 12.30

We have been li­ving in un­cer­tain­ty for months, cons­tant­ly awa­re of the glo­bal si­tu­a­ti­on. News of the hor­rors of war may have kept us awa­ke at bed­ti­me. Many pe­op­le wor­ry about the se­cu­ri­ty of their own li­ves in the midst of this tur­moil.

A central topic in the discussions was the occurrence of a division in the midst of North American Zion that has resulted in a heresy.

A central topic in the discussions was the occurrence of a division in the midst of North American Zion that has resulted in a heresy.

Harri Vähäjylkkä

A central topic in the discussions was the occurrence of a division in the midst of North American Zion that has resulted in a heresy.

A central topic in the discussions was the occurrence of a division in the midst of North American Zion that has resulted in a heresy.

Harri Vähäjylkkä

The situation in North American Zion was discussed at the beginning of the meetings of the sister organizations.

Vieraskieliset / In-english30.9.2022 14.00

The an­ti­ci­pa­ted mee­ting of the sis­ter or­ga­ni­za­ti­ons oc­cur­red af­ter a pau­se due to CO­VID. Rep­re­sen­ta­ti­ves of three cent­ral or­ga­ni­za­ti­ons of our Chris­ti­a­ni­ty, SRK, LLC and SFC, gat­he­red for about a week-long coo­pe­ra­ti­ve work mee­ting in Ou­lu. The re­gu­lar­ly sche­du­led mee­tings had been pau­sed due to the co­ro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic. At the joint mee­ting, the joys and sor­rows of the work of Chris­ti­a­ni­ty were sha­red. A cent­ral to­pic in the dis­cus­si­ons was the di­vi­si­on that has hap­pe­ned in the midst of North Ame­ri­can Zion, which has re­sul­ted in a he­re­sy.

In the cooperative work meetings of the sister organizations, faith and the work of the kingdom of God were discussed. North American servants of the Word kept sermons at mission services in various localities at the beginning and end of their trip to Finland.

In the cooperative work meetings of the sister organizations, faith and the work of the kingdom of God were discussed. North American servants of the Word kept sermons at mission services in various localities at the beginning and end of their trip to Finland.

Juhani Ojalehto

In the cooperative work meetings of the sister organizations, faith and the work of the kingdom of God were discussed. North American servants of the Word kept sermons at mission services in various localities at the beginning and end of their trip to Finland.

In the cooperative work meetings of the sister organizations, faith and the work of the kingdom of God were discussed. North American servants of the Word kept sermons at mission services in various localities at the beginning and end of their trip to Finland.

Juhani Ojalehto

SRK, SFC, and LLC Executive Secretaries:

"We experienced a mutual understanding of faith in discussions"

Vieraskieliset / In-english27.9.2022 6.00

The mee­ting of sis­ter or­ga­ni­za­ti­ons strengt­he­ned the mu­tu­al work even furt­her. The dis­cus­si­ons were open, and the par­ti­ci­pants ex­pe­rien­ced a strong mu­tu­al un­ders­tan­ding of faith.

Blog: Smell of the stable

Vieraskieliset / In-english19.9.2022 6.00

One eve­ning I was dri­ving home from work. On­ce a week I need to drive about 50 ki­lo­me­ters to work, and I of­ten lis­ten to au­dio books on my way. I was al­re­a­dy a bit ti­red. For some re­a­son I wi­ped my cheek with my glove and was rou­sed by the smell. For me it is a good smell, though some pe­op­le might not like it. I had ac­ci­den­tal­ly ta­ken a pair of glo­ves that I usu­al­ly wear while wor­king out­doors and ta­king care of the ani­mals. The glo­ves smel­led of sheep. I simp­ly had to have anot­her sniff.

Blog: Fat in the veins, bits in the minds

Vieraskieliset / In-english12.9.2022 6.00

Two of our child­ren ex­pe­rien­ced de­vas­ta­ting loss on suc­ces­si­ve days: their pho­nes broke down. I saw this as my luc­ky break. I went and col­lec­ted all the ot­her pho­nes, too, and dec­la­red that a no-phone pe­ri­od would start in our home right now. A 30-mi­nu­te hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an cor­ri­dor would be al­lo­wed eve­ry eve­ning, as pur­po­se­ly cut­ting all stre­aks would be akin to a vi­o­la­ti­on of hu­man rights.

Blog: Art empowers us

Vieraskieliset / In-english5.9.2022 6.00

I like many kinds of art, ver­bal, vi­su­al and vo­cal as well as their com­bi­na­ti­ons. When I lis­te­ned to an SRK book of po­ems, Äi­dit avaa­vat ik­ku­noi­ta (Mot­hers open win­dows), on the Kuu­le! ap­p­li­ca­ti­on, I mar­ve­led at the abi­li­ty of po­et­ry to high­light the va­lue and sig­ni­fi­can­ce of child­ren as part of dai­ly life and as a sour­ce of joy. I sel­dom lis­ten to po­ems, though I oc­ca­si­o­nal­ly write po­ems my­self. Po­ems can exp­ress so much in just a few words, use no­vel ima­ge­ry to ref­resh our thin­king, and the­re­by al­so bring ea­se of mind in­to dai­ly life. Do you like po­ems?

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Tästä lähtien Jeesus alkoi puhua opetuslapsilleen, että hänen oli mentävä Jerusalemiin ja kärsittävä paljon kansan vanhimpien, ylipappien ja lainopettajien käsissä. Matt. 16:21

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