Eric Jurmu Rockford seurakunnasta Minnesotasta palveli Tukholmassa järjestetyissä Ruotsin Suviseuroissa. Eric Jurmu from Rockford congregation in Minnesota served at the Swedish Summer Services in Stockholm.
Pauliina Jensen
Eric Jurmu Rockford seurakunnasta Minnesotasta palveli Tukholmassa järjestetyissä Ruotsin Suviseuroissa. Eric Jurmu from Rockford congregation in Minnesota served at the Swedish Summer Services in Stockholm.
Pauliina Jensen
It is Saturday evening and communion service is about to begin in the beautiful German Church in Stockholm’s Old Town. Eric Jurmu, who serves as minister in the Rockford congregation in Minnesota, is due to assist during the Holy Communion. He is sitting in the front part of the church, waiting for the service to begin.
Our Opisto student completed his year Jämsä Opisto last spring. He was our first child to attend Opisto. With this minimal parental experience, I am happy to recommend Opisto to every young person.
In October 2021, Päivämies published an editorial titled There is always hope that loved ones who have left will return into God’s kingdom. The editorial described the distressing parental experience of having a child give up their faith. The readers were reminded that the grace of repentance is completely a work of God. The article went on to say that no-one leaves God’s kingdom because of inadequate parents or friends or remains in it due to good upbringing.
I was requested to send a videotaped birthday greeting to a mutual friend. The birthday was celebrated within the immediate family, and the video greeting was to be a surprise to this friend of mine.
SRK:n kuva-arkisto
SRK:n kuva-arkisto
There have been many discussions with the goal of resolving disagreements that have emerged in North American Christianity.
Do you have experiences of your body not functioning well? Or do you have a hard time finding a balanced diet?
My husband can be quite secretive. While sharing his life with me, he has probably learnt that he should present new ideas with a thought-out plan, or otherwise they may change in the “supreme court”, as he is fond of saying. Well, I don’t know about that.
”I do not know what I think before I write about it.” This is what the writer Joan Didion is reported to have said. I think I understand well what she means. While reading expands our mental world, writing helps to organize its content. Incomplete thoughts have their value, but the need to put them into writing is uncompromising: what exactly do you think, and what precisely is your opinion? What can be said clearly has been thought clearly.
I am more than fifty years old, and I have never had any big plans for life. My life has simply passed from one stage to the next. I was born into a believing family in Nivala, where I have lived there all my life except for one single year. In addition to my parents and siblings, my grandfather also lived in our home. He was dear and important to me. I was Grandpa’s girl. He took care of me when I was little, and I took care of him later when he was sick.
Years ago I read an article in which a young person asked, ”Do believers have to wear a certain kind of designer clothes?”
It came to pass, one day in December when I was away on a working trip, that I found an email in my personal mailbox. I checked the title, saw it was something about blogs, and almost swiped it into the junk folder, so it would not disturb my thinking. I have an information management system whereby all unnecessary and distracting messages are immediately scrapped, those about something that can be delegated are forwarded, those that require attention are dealt with, and anything necessary is archived. My daughter, who is studying economics, recently told me that, without knowing it, I have been using the traf system.
I wished for more laughter this year. I would like to hear children giggle with genuine joy or howl with delight and my dear ones laugh happily, chuckle benevolently, titter behind their hand, or dissolve in uncontrollable laughter. In addition to hearing people laugh, I would definitely love to join them, sometimes tired enough not to know if I am laughing or crying (the others knowing even less).
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